Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Photoshop CS 5 is out !!!1!11!!

Of course you n00bs won't see it until rumours on forums have been posted for like 86 months , but since my middle name is Dan00be and Adobe likes that they sent me a couple of dvd's right here for me to test around and put on rapidshare.

So, without further delay, here's the first photoshop CS 5 review evar.Discussing all the new tools and so would be a waste of time as everybody only uses the clone tool and the levels command so best impact thing would be - no not another of my 4d renders - a final photo shopped around from a lousy original.

Original photo :

Now here we see that this image has SOME artifacts on the corners and a red color cast, some abberation and some other stuff everyone hates because the poster before him does too - unless the photo is 25 years old and oveexposed, which then makes it ART - , so I decided to pop out the new CS 5 and use the following workflow :

- open PS CS 5 and a bag of Skittles

- call Bowling Hall I'll be 26 minutes late

- pop out the levels command and click on AUTO

- look for the clone tool and click 26 times with one eye closed while pouring a martini in my lunch-box

- put my mouse into my firewire port and reboot the computer holding the apple key pressed ( this is a magic filter, using windows when you don't wanna pay 2500 dollars for a computer box, you need to press alt + f4 while turning your mouse 360 degrees counterclockwise having the liquify filter open )

- IMAGE READY ( I always screamed that when I was an engineer at Adobe, they even named a program after it since I payed the last 50 rounds o' Donuts, until they heard a cd of Paul Garfunkel and named it BRIDGE )

My fingers are tired after that 4-cpu render and typing invoices to Zucas, but here's a sample for Adobe, they will prolly use it on the package of CS5, if they pay enough for the rights and get me a new pink bowling ball, gotta love pink bowling balls :

by Freddie

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